Outlook of SPMGT 379

My outlook of Sport Management 379 (Sport Media and Communication) at Washington State University is good and I am excited to learn about the how to use media in different ways in the sport industry. My expectations are to learn more about different types of media, like websites, social media, and other materials that relate to communication in the sport industry. Learning about social media is a large expectation because it is so relevant in today’s popular media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Creating a simple website throughout the semester should be an interesting process because like most assignments in this class, I have never done something like that before. Media and communication in a business setting in somewhat new to me and I look forward to learning more about media.

The various projects of the course, including the video clips and the mock press conference, should be fun to create and relate well to the field of sport media and communication. The mock press conference that we will complete at the end of the semester seems very interesting to me because I have not done anything like it before in my academic career. The idea of creating a news release and giving a press conference about it is different, but practical to the sport media part of the industry. The expectation of the class, including logistics and rules, are reasonable and understandable to allow the course to run smoothly and effectively. SPMGT 379 does not seem boring or uninteresting and ordinary class days are interactive, which makes the material more interesting.

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